The swamp boys, Okavango Delta, Botswana.
It’s early in the evening at around seven I am driving across a recently filled up channel. From a distance we could see a troop of baboons that were groamming to each other. As we moved closer, we realized that they were also playing with each other as to bond their friendship and drive benefits that will make their chances of survival in nature. As we were watching the baboons, we heard loud and rumbling roar, that broke the evening silence and certainly got our attention. Our heads turned simultaneously to grin at each other, both knowing what we had just heard.
I was just going to tell my guest about what we had heard and about the different prides and coalition of lions we have in the area of NG 18, Khwai Private Reserve, bordering with Kwara concession to the west. They started calling, boomig the area with loud roar one after the other. We drove to that same direction and then, we got to see seven big male lions that were laying down to the east of the River, facing at us while calling at the same time.
You see, they were not having the intention to go on a hunt, but rather, they decided to advertise their territory to their neighbors, simply to let them know that the area was still occupied. By the time winter night light faded we used a spot light and we took very nice photos. One of the ladies who was among the photographers, started crying for what she was witnessing beforehand.